Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Internet at Home, T Minus 1 Day

Mood: Frazzled
Theme Song: "Crazy" - Gnarls Barkley

Work is going crazy right now - so much to do, so little time! I have never had a job where I've been so busy and so responsible for so many things. Its alot of fun, but I'm uncovering so many cultural landmines in the differences between how Americans and the British communicate. I mean I know I'm loud and annoying - but over here I think I am ESPECIALLY loud and annoying. The stereotype about the British reserve is so true. To be clear, its not that they are all quiet or act like the Queen all the time. I know many people over here who are very crazy but its in a different way. Its really hard to explain. It's just not in the British DNA to complain or to object or to do any of those things I normally consider to be jolly good fun.

I was listening to BBC Radio on the way to work this morning and there were two guys debating a political issue (like a point/counterpoint kind of thing) and they were disagreeing. But rather than talking over one another on American radio and cursing like I'm used to, they were so civilized. "Pardon me, mate"; "No, no, you go ahead". Hilarious!

So last night I had to return a few things to the ASDA (British Wal-mart) and I spent a good 15 minutes looking for plastic silverware. Or as its been explained to me by the Brits "cutlery" (they don't like me saying plastic silverware since they think its nonsensical). I could not find any! I had to beg a spork from the One Stop store yesterday for something to eat my lunch with because our kitchen doesn't have any silverware, plastic or otherwise, in it. We're in a new building, but we just got a microwave after much complaining. But the microwave had to be safety-tested (!!!) and we got explicit instructions on how to use it properly. I'm not kidding. The Brits are wayyy safety conscious.

Oh, and today they were showing photos from the department Christmas party. I missed it becasue I was in Seattle. Apparently one of the gifts given out was a "willy warmer"... and its exactly what you think it is. Yep. While the British are very reserved, they also have a very colourful sense of humour. And put "u"s in lots of words unnecessarily. ;)

Ok, back to work. I get interwebs at home tomorrow morning - yay!!! And Sky TV, so I can watch LOST. I can't wait!

More later... Cheers!

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