Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lost in Translation


Saturday, 5th June 2010
18:15 local time (Tokyo)
Theme Song: "Turning Japanese" by the Vapors

Arrived Thursday morning about 8am to Fukuoka, Japan to attend the Japanese Society of Anesthesiology Congress. The flight from Singapore was fairly uneventful. As I lucked out to be in business class, I was able to sleep for about 4 of the 6 hours, though it was a fitful, turblency sleep. I kept waking up because I had drooled all over my pillow. I don't know what it is about me and planes, but every time I try to sleep on one, I drool nonstop.

Got off the plane to a bunch of uniformed Japanese people hollering "Ohayu gonzayimas!" at everyone who deboarded. Imagine a cacophony of voices in that unique Japanese way. It was crazy. I walked to Immigration, at which point there were two lines - Japanese Citizens and a big sign that said FOREIGNERS. Guess which line I had to go into? LOL I found Japanese immigration to be very friendly and efficient. What was really cool is that all the officers were in these full uniforms and some of the women in were in full Japanese traditional kimono dress.

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