Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pigling and such

Yesterday in the canteen at work they served pork roast, vegetables and mashed potatoes. The chalkboard had the English translation as "Pigling, vegetation and puree potatoes". Sometimes Germany is awesome. Although I have since learned that pigling is a word. Huh. 

Today I had to sign my rental contract and because it was pouring like the end of days, I decided to drive. I left my house in Ingelheim at 7am. I did not make it to my flat in Frankfurt until 8:45. Traffic was ridiculous. Like I-76 in Philly ridiculous. The good news was that traffic the other way was marginal. This bodes well as I am actually now considering getting a car. While I can take the train, I need one more stop than I thought and the times aren't as convenient as I thought - I think the timetables have been adjusted. Driving in the city was surprisingly easy and not too stressful even at rush hour. 

The new flat is 5 min walk to a tube station and 20 min walk to the main train station, so for most in-city things I can use public transport or the bicycle I'm going to buy. (With a basket! Maybe even a bell!) But I've realized I want to explore Germany and lots of the towns I want are not super easy by car. 

My goods arrive from storage on the 3rd which means my bed!!! I'm waiting to connect with the Internet company so I can get that scheduled. They keep calling but when I'm in meetings or busy. I have all the measurements for the rooms and so I can begin buying what I need. Which is a bunch of stuff. May baby Jesus bless IKEA for existing and for being willing to assemble. Left to my own devices my furniture would end up looking like a sculpture by MC Escher. 

I'm now en route to London for work and then a weekend with friends. We are going to Ascot. I'm quite excited - I have a big hat and everything! And on the plus side, I only got a half pat down from the security Frau this morning. I really don't think her heart was in it ;)

Side note: American and British airports could learn from Frankfurt. Security was a breeze (aside from the token rub down), there were plenty of agents at passport control, and the gate was orderly. An agent checked passports and tickets on the way into the gate area, and handed out UK landing cards. Then they boarded first class. Everyone else boarded using automatic ticket scanner machines. No hassle, no fuss. 

The only downside is that this plane reeks of BO. I will never understand the European fear/lack of appreciation for deodorant. Seriously, this place reeks like an NFL locker room at halftime. Das yuck. 

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