Wednesday, June 10, 2015

First World Problems

Every time I have an early morning flight, I can guarantee that someone at the airport will try my patience. Like today. I woke up at 4:45 after what I would generously call 4 hours sleep. I'm still re-adjusting to German time and also am never able to sleep well when I know I have to be up before the crack of dawn.

Managed to get to the train on time with minimal fuss and get to the airport. That's where the fun began. It seems that Lufthansa has adopted the practice of having its passengers do the airline's work. I had a mobile boarding pass and just needed to drop my bag. Apparently this requires going to a machine, typing in all my info, getting a printed bag tag, putting the tag on my bag myself and then pushing a button to send it off into the magic conveyer belt. Which wouldn't be so bad - IF I weren't on 4 hours sleep and if the bag machine didn't look exactly like the check in machine. I had a few fun moments figuring that out. 

On to security, where the Germans actually have a pretty good system. As you get to the head of the line, a screen directs you to the fastest lane. The best part was watching many, many people stare right at this huge 60" plasma screen with a big ass number on it and then proceed to go to the wrong lane

I went to the right lane and put my computer and Kindle in one tub and my bag and shoes in another. The security agent then proceeds to ask me three times in German if I have a computer. I kept saying yes, and pointing to the one in the tub. She clearly wasn't picking up what I was laying down as she then turned my bag upside down to apparently "shake out" any hidden computers. 

I then went through the metal detector only to have the pleasure of being subjected to a "random" search and pat down by a woman who looked like Dog the Bounty Hunter - on a bad hair day. Adding to this indignity was the fact that they let a couple very shifty looking types waltz through while she and I were getting to what felt like second base. 

I pray for all I encounter today that I can manage a bit of sleep on the plane. 

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