Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend in Review

In reviewing my previous posts, it looks like I acheived all my goals for the weekend! I cleaned my flat! I watched the 2-hour LOST premiere - and was both enthralled and horribly confused. Parallel dimensions? Daydreaming? Hallucinogens? Can't wait to find out!! I did indeed visit Noa Noa and ended up with two new blazers, a sweater, a shirt/dress thing, a necklace and some earrings. (So much for my budget!) But I cleaned out my closet yesterday so I guess it all works out in some kind of Zen balancing act. Actually, the closet thing was fun because since my surgery, I've actually lost about 8-10lbs (3.6kg - 4.5kg). So not only can I now fit into button up shirts without looking like I'm 8 months pregnant, but I can also wear all those pants I bought "just in case". My next goal is to get back to that dreamy, mystical land of single-digit pants. Although on the downside, the only thing that has kept me away from ridiculously priced designer jeans is that I looked like two pigs in a blanket fighting when I tried them on.  (Although UK sizes are "bigger" than their U.S. equivalent, but the thing is that I will know even if these silly Brits don't - ha!)

It really is weird, as I've heard from other people that they lost weight when they moved outside the U.S. - but since I struggle with it, I just pretty much ignored them. The funny thing is that I haven't started any workout program per se (I have just finished my "recovery" time and so now I can begin in earnest), and I think I've been eating more rather than less. But I really do think it boils down to what I'm eating. Yeah, I'm OD'ing on bread, but its freshly baked bread with no chemicals. Same for the butter - its real butter. So real I can still hear it moo. And we've got real cheese and real chocolate (made with sugar, not high-fructose corn syrup). I've been drinking alot of tea and water, so maybe that's been helping? And I try to walk as much as possible. Just to and from the local Tesco (grocery store) is 1 mile, and I will usually wander further into and around Canterbury town. So on the weekend I'm walking anywhere from 2-4 miles, which I'm sure is helping. I need to start doing something every day, and now that I'm getting my bearings as to where I am, I think this will happen with more frequency. A co-worker and her husband live in Canterbury and she's American, so we can put on our iPods filled with grotty hip-hop and go bouncing around the town together ;)

Speaking of music and such, I have GOT to describe my experience this past weekend going "out". When I went to the housewarming party thrown by my neighbours a week or so ago, I met two very nice women and we exchanged contact information and agreed to meet up. So on Saturday, they came to my flat and we had a drink before setting out on the town. They took me first to a very nice, low-key bar. I have forgotten the name, but it seemed like a nice place to gather with friends. The music wasn't too loud that you couldn't have a conversation and the drinks were reasonably priced (for England - we ordered 1 Maker's & Diet, 1 glass of white wine and 1 fruit juice mixture and it was £9,50 - or roughly $15). After hanging out there for an hour or so, we all started yawning. It was barely midnight! But one of the girls suggested that we at least check out the local dance spot before heading home, just so that I could see it and get the feel of it. So we headed over to a place called The Old Brewery.

My impressions:
  • We had to queue outside, but not for very long. However, it was long enough for me to see the girls in sleeveless super short dresses and stripper heels. (Side note: for some reason, the streetwalker look is huge over here. Super short dresses barely covering the bum and sky-high spike heels.)
  • Upon entry, my senses were assaulted by: (1) loads of people, (2) the smelled of spilled beer and (3) Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer". The crowd was going NUTS over this music, which I found to be quite hilarious, seeing as how they were mostly British and knew nothing about Johnny or the docks whereupon he used to work. They also don't understand New Jersey, but in all fairness, I'm not quite sure I do either.
  • After Bon Jovi, we were treated to "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" (pre-crack Whitney Houston), "Footloose" (yes, the one you're thinking of) and more inexpilcably, the theme song from Baywatch. I'm not kidding, people. The place went wild when that song came on, leaving me to stand there with my mouth hanging open in pure shock. I don't know which Baywatch theme song it was, as according to Wikipedia there were about six or seven versions - I just know that when I heard it I saw the Hoff on a beach in my head.
  • The music they choose is strange - lots of BritPop (semi-techno-y dance music) that I didn't know peppered with Lady Gaga, Rihanna and that stupid "Tick Tock" song that is everywhere over here.
  • The outfits were beyond bizarre. All the girls, no matter their size, looked like frazzled hookers. And there were a few in costumes - like one was a pirate I think and one a fairy. The guys were in typical Euro guy wear - skinny pants, button down or pullover shirts. There was a big group of guys in suit jackets, dress shirts, ties - and boxer shorts. I think it was a stag party (bachelor party). At least I really, really hope so. It was funny, though, because over here "pants" = underwear, and so when I hollered "Oh my god, that guy doesn't have any pants on!" people definitely looked.
  • The dance floor was so packed, it was like an obstacle course. I had to dance with my elbows permanently out to keep people from slamming into me or dancing right on top of me. As most of the people in the place were completely plastered (wayyyy drunker than I've ever seen such a large group in the U.S., outside of a good Irish pub) and British, the dancing was more like a mass epileptic seizure. Rythym does not seem to have made it across the pond, or at least not to Canterbury.
The highlight of the night was when, about 1:30am, the DJ started playing songs I recognized. First up was "American Boy" by Estelle featuring Kanye. The irony of me listening to that in England was not lost on me. Then to my overwhelming joy, they played the Applebottom Jeans song, giving me a chance to get my groove on to T-Pain and show off my sweet Soul Train dance moves. It was like an amazing release to get my jam on - I soooo miss my crazy music.

Anyway, the night was alot of fun and I totally want to go back to that place. Maybe go up to the DJ and request some UGK, Lil Wayne, hard core hip/hop. Mix things up a little ;)

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