Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Madness

Mood: Tired
Theme Song: “Never Scared” - Bone Crusher

I know my many fans have been requesting an update and I apologise for keeping you waiting. The lack of internet access at my house is driving me crazy. I have a USB stick from work that gives me - sometimes - a blazing fast 7MB worth of speed. Which basically means I can get to about 2 web pages an hour. (Side note: how did we ever live with dial-up?!) I promise to write more tomorrow when I have a bit more time. I’ve been swamped today at work - meetings and conference calls galore. And we all know how much I like to sit still and pay attention!

A quick note - on Friday I met up with the girls on my street for happy hour. It’s basically a Pfizer unofficial event - their campus holds about 3,000 people and so its always random as to who shows up. At one point, sitting at my table were people from U.S. (me!), France, India, Australia, Germany, Japan and Africa (Zimbabwe). Later on, we got a few English and Scottish people too. It was a fascinating evening, and I just love how multicultural Canterbury is! My joke was that in the states, there would be a bunch of people around the table but it would be seen as exotic if you got someone from across the country - and really lucky if you got a Canadian or two.

I did find an answer to my weird roundabout question on how I handle that tricky 2nd exit. Basically that’s viewed as “going straight” and so I don’t have to use any signal! The entertainment continues!!

More tomorrow, I promise. I can also promise quite a bit of profanity as I’m going to start in on my taxes then, too. Grrrr….

Federman out.

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