Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'm Legal!

Today’s adventure involved basically signing my name about 1000 times. I met my relocation consultant this morning and we proceeded to go to the Town Hall (where I filled out many, many forms and became “registered”) and then another set of government offices where I completed my visa paperwork - including being fingerprinted. I received a nifty stamp in my passport and I should receive my official residents card in a couple weeks. Interestingly enough, while my current visa is tied to my new company, after 2 years I will be free to stay and work for anyone I’d like.

The entire process was ridiculously efficient, and made easier by Julia from the relocation company who served as my translator and answered such urgent questions as “where do I buy cough syrup”, “what is a good shoe store” and “should I pick T-mobile or Vodafone”. Answers: The Apothecary, Frankfurt (too many to name) and Vodafone.

Once I was determined “legal”, the next step was to open my German bank account. This is the key to German life. Nothing happens without one. Also, this country is going to be great for me because they really don’t use credit cards. It’s cash or bank card. So anyway, we go to Deutsche Bank and there I meet Gunter, my new personal banker. One thing I love about Germany is how polite everyone is. They always offer you water or coffee.

After many more forms, I finally received my covered account number and my bank card should arrive in 1-2 weeks. I can now have my salary deposited and pay bills. The first thing I did was run to Vodafone and get a real plan with data and a European package. I know I will get a work phone but I like the idea of being able to turn that one off at the end of the day or on holiday.

After my triumphant run of filling out paperwork and signing my name, I treated myself to lunch at a cafe and my first beer here. I ordered the “kleine” (small) and it was HUGE. These people do not play when it comes to Das Biere. I finished that and then came home and promptly fell asleep for an hour. Because I am a party ANIMAL.

Tonight I have dinner with some new work colleagues. They are both American so I’m hoping they have lots of tips and tricks.

Tomorrow I plan to hop on the train and explore a bit, seeing as how I finally realized that the large yellow building at the end of the main square was the train station I had been searching out 😝

E-Fed out.

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