Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am continuously impressed by the employees of the various transport
companies within London. They ALWAYS know which platform to go to, no
matter what the destination! Be it underground, overground, DRT, tube,
bus, high-speed rail - they have it on lock.
Went through Clapham Junction
( this
morning, which is labrynthine and half under construction. Popped off
my train, found the nearest guy in neon yellow and said with a smile,
"Kensington Olympia?" And he replied "Platform 2, Up the stairs to
your right". Doesn't seem so impressive until you realise there are 17
different platforms with about 50+ destinations to choose from. The
station opened in 1863 and has over 17M entries/exits per year.
Therefore, I now dub all rail/tube employees Transport Ninjas
(Ninjae?). My new form of entertainment will be to go to the busier
stations in the UK and just ask random questions about destinations to
see if they know them ALL. *hee hee*
Federman out.
PS- Writing this on the train and so far I have seen someone blow
their nose with a newspaper and overheard a phone call about "mummy's
gout". Ahhh...public transportation, attracting crazies regardless of
the country.

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