Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Love Affair Continues...

Mood: Absolutely exhausted
Theme Song: "Brand New Key" - Melanie

Continuing my list of things I love about England... (writing this today is the equivalent of going to the gym to exercise when you are drop dead tired and have a cold. I had more negative English influence today than positive, but I'm going to stick to my plan...)

11. Ham, Egg and Chips. I have no idea why I like this food so much, but I absolutely looooooves it. It is apparently traditional pub food over here, and I don't know why no one in America has thought of this combination before. The ham is chilled, the eggs freshly fried and the chips hot and crisp. Yum, yum, yummers. It's perfect with a pint ;)

12. Royalty. The big news today is that Prince William and Kate Middleton are engaged to marry. I don't really care too much about Prince William's love life - but I think it's AWESOME to look at the paper and see a headline entitled "Prince to Marry"... especially when it has nothing to do with a short musician who likes purple and arbitrary name changes.

13. Men Wearing Suits. I'm sure there is a lot of suit-wearing in big cities like New York and LA - but in middle America it's rare to see someone who's not a big executive, or headed to an interview/big meeting, wearing a suit. But over here - most men still dress for work. I have to say I like the look of all of them in their skinny suit pants, ties and long overcoats. Even cooler? They still rock cufflinks. All that's missing is the hat like they used to wear in the 1950's and 1960's. I so wish that would come back.

14. John Lewis. The department store. While I still think that Nordstrom is better, John Lewis has that extra special cache of employees with British accents. I love going to a store and being asked, "Is there anything I can help you with, madam?" in that accent. I feel so proper and like I immediately want to shop for expensive scarves, houndstooth and tweed.

15. Boots brand. I know you can get some of this in Target in the U.S. now, but I absolutely love Boots brand makeup and beauty products. Great face wash, moisturizer, makeup accessories, lipstick, eyeshadow and mascara. While I do miss Walgreen's and true drug stores, I do enjoy going to Boots because they have both high price and value products. You can get generic face wash right next to Clinique or Dior brand. I like that I can find LaRoche-Posay products - perfect for when my skin is acting up, and Boots No.7 brand makeup brushes are as good as ones I've bought from the fancy makeup brands (i.e. Chanel, Laura Mercier, etc).

They say it takes 21 days to truly form a habit. So I'm T minus 19. Maybe at the end of this experiment I'll stop missing America so much... seeing as how I'll be here for a few more years at least, I sure hope so!

Federman out.

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